Handy Helpful Blog 2024

Door & window repair package now available! $695 for a comprehensive maintenance of various doors and windows around the house. For more information, see the post on our sister website, mobilescreengutter.com: New Door & Window Service Pricing!
Vibrant, colorful vinyl floor tile Featured image: “Floor Tile ~ Eastern Market ~ Detroit” by VasenkaPhotography is licensed under CC BY 2.0 VCT is a common floor tile typically found in commercial locations, industrial locations, schools, and other areas. It is the vinyl tile you might remember from the hallways of your high school. Over time, VCT can be damaged, [continue reading…]
9x9 grid of fabric acoustic tile What is an acoustic ceiling tile? Generally, acoustic ceilings refer to drop ceilings with 2’x2’ or 2’x4’ tiles. If you’re familiar with the ceiling grids of office spaces and schools, you’re familiar with acoustic ceiling tiles. In the simplest terms possible, an acoustic ceiling is a ceiling that has acoustic properties either to insulate or [continue reading…]
Butterfly on window sill, by window screen At Edward’s Enterprises, we are always looking for ways to improve our abilities and, by extension, the services that we are able to offer, and we are proud to announce that we have launched our new website and service, Window Screen and Door Screen Repair by Edward’s Enterprises. While we have already been providing a [continue reading…]
Clamp holding DIY books, pliers, and other tools on a white field DIY is fun and fulfilling Many people prefer DIYs because they cost less, and you don’t have to pay any labor fees. When you can do things yourself, you understand the finer details of why some products and services are expensive. This enables you to choose the best products, saving money, and catering to your [continue reading…]
House covered in fresh snow Winter may not be the time of year when you typically think of starting home improvement projects. After all, it’s cold, it’s wet, and spending lots of time working outdoors and digging for tools in your garage doesn’t sound like much fun. However, if you’re planning on selling your home in spring, winter is actually [continue reading…]
Woman warming hands by wood burning heater Heating can cost you a great deal if left unchecked Although you can wear warm clothes, it is crucial to heat your house to combat the cold temperatures in winter. However, there are certain steps you can follow to make sure that your heating bill doesn’t go overboard. Tips to Help You Save on Your [continue reading…]
Long wood table on back patio under patio cover Looking to sell your home? Then you may be looking for ways to help your house stand out to potential buyers. If you are also on a tight budget, figuring out which tasks and fixes to focus on first can be confusing. If you avoid these common staging mistakes, you should be able to save [continue reading…]
Inside of old, abandoned building from top of stairs Unless you’re buying a brand new house, chances are fairly high that the house you’re interested in will need some repairs. In some cases, this can lead to a make or break situation between you and the seller, but it doesn’t have to be that way. It can help if you know how to navigate [continue reading…]
Wind turbine generator in the mountains Your favorite handyman company is embracing the eco-conscious movement and switching to 100% renewable power in order to help save on resources and time. Effective immediately, Edward’s Enterprises is making the change to sustainable, green energy. This would also mean that all the battery-powered tools we use are also using renewable resources, like solar and [continue reading…]