Handy Helpful Blog 2024

Door & window repair package now available! $695 for a comprehensive maintenance of various doors and windows around the house. For more information, see the post on our sister website, mobilescreengutter.com: New Door & Window Service Pricing!
Carpenter measuring dimensions of joists from above When choosing the best remodeling project for your home you have to think of several things: the cost of the project, the specific features or functions that are missing in your home, how the renovation will impact your home’s aesthetics, and, of course, how much value the remodeling is likely to add to your property. [continue reading…]
Ceiling fan hanging from high ceiling Ceiling fans are one of the must have house appliances in a every home. It is especially helpful during the hot summer moths to ease heat. Ceiling fans are known as a cheap way of cooling off in hot weather it provides the room with a cool wind and breezy feeling. The reason why it [continue reading…]
Whenever you have a running toilet this will probably cost you high water bill and a gallon waste of water it is usually caused by the flapper or the fill valve. Fixing your running toilet is a problem that you want to solve quickly for leaving it like that can cause you a dime. Fixing [continue reading…]
Vibrant, colorful vinyl floor tile Featured image: “Floor Tile ~ Eastern Market ~ Detroit” by VasenkaPhotography is licensed under CC BY 2.0 VCT is a common floor tile typically found in commercial locations, industrial locations, schools, and other areas. It is the vinyl tile you might remember from the hallways of your high school. Over time, VCT can be damaged, [continue reading…]
Sprinkler head that goes tktktktktk-shpyuuuu Many homeowners dream of having a green plush lawn, which is the envy of the entire neighborhood. However, this takes effort and planning. Having the right lawn sprinkler head helps to keep the grass healthy and flourishing. Before choosing a sprinkler head, consider the capacity it can handle. You ought to assess the type of [continue reading…]
Close up view of LED spotlight array LED has emerged as the lighting of choice for the modern world. You not only get more light per wattage but also save money and help cut down power plant emissions. Business or home, LED lights have transformed the lighting industry making it more energy-efficient and affordable. LED stands for light-emitting diode. LED is a [continue reading…]
Oranges hanging from the branches of an orange tree Are you excited about planting your citrus tree? We are certainly eager to help you! In this guide, you will find everything you need to grow a healthy citrus tree. Or, in other words, lemon trees, orange trees, mandarin trees, and so on. So let’s get down to the basics! How to Plant a Citrus [continue reading…]

Home Automation

Home automation allows you to control devices in your house from a mobile gadget from anywhere around the world. Home automation means that appliances, lights, heating, electrical outlets, and cooling systems are linked to a remotely controlled network. This can also include home security devices, such as alarms, windows, locks, doors, surveillance cameras, smoke detectors, [continue reading…]
nondescript workers looking at nondescript plans Buying a first home is something that takes many years to plan. Saving enough money for that first acquisition requires diligent effort. But when you finally achieve the goal, the exhilaration of becoming a homeowner will make the whole experience worth it. Yet, when you move into your new home, you will often do so [continue reading…]