Edward's Enterprises can assist our customers with their Tarzana backyard clean out & yardwaste hauling needs like:
Residential yard clean ups
Commercial planter trash removal
Old planter beds removed
Bushes cut down & back
Ground cover cleared out
Sod cut & hauled away
Small stumps & roots dug up
Side yard buildup removed
Left over trimmings hauled
Haul old cut branches
Palm frond piles taken away
Bark raked & hauled
Old deck removal & hauling
Patio covers taken down
Gazebos demoed & hauled
Spas & jacuzzis cut up & hauled
Many customers dream of a cleaner yard but hate to imagine dealing with all of the garbage, toys, & junk that has accumulated over the years in their side yard. Planning to upgrade your garden vegetable patch? Edward's Enterprises cannot only help you install new sod & watering systems, but we can clean out any debris & green waste that stands in your way. We are here to clear out yard trimmings, commercial yard lots, over-capacity garden sheds, & much more!
We are ready to talk to you about your next backyard hauling job. Pick up the phone & call us to discuss greenwaste hauling or landscaping tear outs!
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Yard waste ready for pick up!
Make sure yard waste is free of items such as metal, food waste, garbage, soil, sod, stones & palms from palm trees. Yard waste can include items such as: leaves, hedge & tree trimmings/branches, house & garden plants, garden trimmings, brush, lawn edging (earth removed), grass clippings. This helps the facility more efficiently recycle the yard waste.
If you have leftover wood chips, or wood trimmings from a previous sawmill endeavor or project, instead of tossing this out, use it to spread out a new garden surface layer on your front or back yard. Or you can even use this as fresh fuel, if you happen to own a wood-fired grill or pizza oven, on the other hand. Wood is such a valuable resource, that if you save it & use it for any of its other multiple applications, you'll find you can do much with it. & it'll clear room in your waste pile, so that you can put in more things that really need to get tossed out.
Look at the trees in your yard. Are they dead? Rotting? Is any part around them broken, cracked, old, smelly, or seeming like it could be tossed out? Do check.
Is green waste recycling new, or do we just think about it differently than past generations?
Before the industrial age it was almost impossible to make quick & cheap items, & so people had to reuse items in some form or another. Recycling & reuse happened at the home, or at most the community level. Mass production of the industrial age is one of the biggest reasons why we need large-scale recycling, green & yard waste hauling & disposal services today. But it didn't happen overnight!
In the 1930's & 1940's conservation & recycling became an important American tradition on a large scale due to the economic Great Depression, when people who could not afford to buy new goods often found ways to repurpose, recycle & reuse materials to save money & stretch every penny. With the outbreak of World War II, those routines helped support the war effort as patriotic Americans recycled materials such as nylon, rubber & metals were recycled to chip in. The large scale environmental movement that began in the 1960's & really gained steam in the 1970's ushered in the world's first Earth Day celebration.
One result of all the large scale recycling efforts today is a better understanding of what can & can't be recycled, as well as best practices. When it comes to Green Yard Waste, cut branches into four-foot lengths or less & tie them into bundles no more than twelve inches in diameter when possible. Leaves & grass clippings should be bagged, tied & securely placed with other items to both aid hauling service members & use less space in your dumpster or trash bin. When possible use a mulching lawnmower to keep lawn clippings in-place as food & nutrients for your lawn, this will reduce the need for chemical fertilizers.
If you are really going for it & need a LOT hauled away, renting a dumpster might be a good idea. To rent a greenwaste dumpster for three to four days can cost anywhere from $90 to $850, depending on your location, weight & size of required dumpster. < href="https://www.thebagster.com/default.aspx?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI94GGkrzp3QIVg2h-Ch2T6QKVEAAYASAAEgJChfD_BwE" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Depending on where you live you can pay around $170 for a “Bagster” to fill & have waste management haul it away. Remember to tell the service that it will be for greenwaste, & keep it clean (no plastic, trash, chemicals, etc.) so they can probably mulch & reuse it.
If you need someone to do the pruning & the hauling, yard waste haulers will typically charge for their labor plus some combination of a disposal charge or weight charge, $50 to $150 for pick up on smaller jobs, while larger jobs can range from $100 to $650 & more.
What can I do with yard branches?
The best solution to treat your yard waste is by recycling it. If you have heavy branches, shrubs, & tree stumps, then hiring a wood chipper will work for you. The result will go back to your garden as mulch, or if you prefer otherwise, it can be donated elsewhere.
FAQ Source
Can you burn branches in your backyard?
It's illegal to burn materials such as plastic, construction garbage, batteries, & treated wood. However, in some locations, you can burn your yard waste e.g., grass, leaves, small branches, & additional yard clippings provided the debris is from your property in some areas. Check your local & state laws. In California, you may not burn waste without authorization.
FAQ Source