The team at Edward's Enterprises preps, primes, paints & more in Malibu including:
Residential home painting
Exterior office re-painting
Paint interior retail properties
Store color changes
Prep & paint conference rooms
Moulding & Trim Painted
Kitchens & bathrooms repainted
Coating & recoating patio covers
Sand & re-paint doors & jambs
Pressure wash & paint exteriors
Stain coat fences & gates
Seal & reseal decking
Refresh home fascia & eaves coats
Removing peeling & old paint
Whole home paint jobs
Flat, Eggshell, Semi & Gloss painting
You may choose a bright new color finish to paint an accent wall. You may want to emphasize certain areas, like the front porch or recreation room, with a bright or fun color scheme. Give your home or business an individual look & feel today.
We can help with your next paint job. Contact our office to go over your next planned painting project!
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*When it comes to painting, the first step is preparation. Some suggestions include to remove the furniture from the room so that it does not get in the way, as well as, does not accidentally get paint on it. If you are unable to remove the furniture you can cluster it into one corner & cover it.
Next, vacuum the room to create a clean work area. Then cover the floor with drop cloths so that no paint ruins the floor. Also, take down any draperies or drapery hardware, & loosen light fixtures & wrap plastic bags around them. Lastly, remove any wall plates from electrical outlets & switches.
The next step is choosing the right type of paint for the job. Matte Finishes are also called a flat finish or wall paint, & are used for interior walls. This finish does not reflect light & may need to be touched up if scratches or marks occur. Flat Enamel is paint with a durable flat, matte finish.
This paint works well in powder rooms & halls. An eggshell finish has a slight hint of shine or gloss & is good for walls & holds up well. A satin finish works well for windows, doors, trims & ceilings. It is made to hold up to cleaning & light scrubbing. A semi-gloss is often used on doors, trims, & cabinets. It is easily cleaned & has a subtle shine.
Rust-Oleum brand paints recommends their Rust-Oleum Stops Rust line of products, including metal primers, spray paint for small touch up areas & roll on paint in quarts & gallons for larger projects.
Dunn Edwards recommends Enduragloss (comes in gloss only & in quarts only) after applying a metal primer.
Sherwin Williams recommends Pearl Industrial DTM (Direct to Metal) along with a primer & topcoat.
Benjamin Moore has a Corotech line that comes in semi-gloss & gloss & is an oil base. This can be applied after a rust inhibiting primer for best adhesion.
Do I need to prime before painting?
It is not necessary to put down a layer of primer when using self-priming paints, which can be sufficient in most cases. When not using a self-priming paint, the typical process is to first put down the primer to improve paint adhesion, then put down two coats of the paint.
FAQ Source
Should I hire a painter or paint myself?
Is going for DIY painting the best worth it?
Renovations in your house can be quite costly, depending on what changes you'd want. Well, as for painting, do not deny your house a new look & theme altogether by imposing those changes. So is it wise to hire a professional painter, or is it just cool to DIY? The answer will depend on a couple of considerations, but let's start with the basics.
You'll have to get paint, which will cost you $30 – $60 per gallon, & a room might need about 2 gallons of paint. The paints usually have three different finishes: high-gloss, flat, & semi-gloss, & they all have different prices. A paint primer, which costs $7 – $15, is also necessary to give your work a smooth look. A roller for applying the paint & a drop cloth to secure your floor & furniture should also be on your shopping list. Additional considerations include the amount of space & the number of rooms that will be painted.
When you calculate all the materials that you'd get, it'll cost you about $200 – $300. These are only tools, but you will spend a lot of time painting the room & even more if you want to achieve a high-quality level. Hiring a professional painter will cost you about $25 – $100 per hour, & the guy will come with his tools & paint in some cases. It's better to hire one to achieve expertise & save cash.
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